Monday, January 12, 2009


Not much has gone on recently with me and poker aside from the small tournament we entered at Harrah's. I busted out really early, somewhere in the second level I think. I can't even remember, partly cuz its been so long, and partly because the entire time the tournament was going on, I was kinda in a tired and dazed state. 

I can only remember two hands of interest that I was in. Villain raises(can't remember exact amount or from what position).  I look down at AJs and decide to call his raise, hoping to outplay him after the flop. Flop comes 9 4 3 I think. He checks to me, and I'm thinking he has AK or AQ, or some broadway cards that missed him completely. I lead out hoping to take the pot down, but he calls. I can't remember what happened in between, but at showdown he shows Pocket Nines for trips. Oh well, no way I could have played it differently to win that hand. 

The other hand I remember was the one that knocked me out. Blinds were 25/50 I think.I was pretty short stacked with about 900. Action folded around to Joe who was on the button. LB limps, and I look down at T2 on the BB. I decide to check and see a flop. In retrospect, I could of made a raise to 125 and taken the pot right there preflop. The LB would have folded for sure, but I can't say for sure whether Joe would have. He had a lot of chips to play with and I would be out of position for all the betting rounds. So flop comes and I hit a set of deuces. I open for 100 and Joe raises me 300 with his top pair. I insta-call. We both check the turn. River comes and I check it. Joe bets enough to put me all in( I only have about 500 behind). Not looking at the board or anything, I call thinking my set was good. Joe turns over the flush that he caught runner runner. 

Maybe I could have laid down my set after thinking everything through and seeing the board, but that would have been hard to do. I would not have given him credit for a runner runner flush at all. Not seeing the flush potential on the board, my thinking was that he caught two pair on the river. Either that or he wanted to push me out of the pot with a overbet thinking I had nada when I showed weakness by checking the turn and river. Either way, I lost. 

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