Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Home Game Sunday

On Super Bowl Sunday, a small little poker game was held. Good for me cuz I'm not a big fan of football. I watch one game a year and its the Super Bowl, and I'm one of those that watches mainly for the commercials! 

So it was a small game, and with less players, I focused more on position rather than the cards. The cards really never came, so I had to expand on my starting hand ranges. I didn't have many huge hands, but I got lucky an awful lot; flopping top two pair with T 8, and the nut straight with 2 4.

Overall, I was quite satisfied with my play. I was dealt marginal hands, but I felt I made the correct decisions the bulk of the time. I made one mistake attempting a river bluff against Dave. Eventhough I got caught, I didn't think it was that bad of a play. I almost succeeded too as he checked to me, and I bet, it wasn't an insta-call by him. He went into the tank for a bit before he ultimately called and showed his pair of Aces with mid kicker. 

Net gain for the day was $11. 

One last thing of note: Rich played in the Spade Club Red Token tournament and finished a very respectable 500th place to win $5. You didn't beat Jed's record, but I'm sure you will in time. 


  1. hope u learned your lesson. ;-)

  2. Haha net record $140's... Red Token #40's place

  3. Did anyone beat my Golden ticket record yet? lol, if i kept on playing i would gotten more =T
